The Nephilim (giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. Some have suggested that demons are the result of the union of angels and women as described: This is the second death, the lake of fire. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. Then they are cast into eternal punishment. Only then are they brought before God to be judged (Rev. They will remain there until the end of the millennial reign of Christ on this earth. The Bible teaches that the souls of the evil dead go to ‘Hades’ (Luke 16:23). It stands in direct conflict with biblical teaching. The early age of this theory does not however make it any more believable. It is not a new idea at all, for it was the explanation of some Greek philosophers years before Christ. This is the underlying assumption of much of the popular occult literature.

One contemporary idea relating to the origins of demons claims they are the spirits of the evil dead. When it comes to identifying demons, the question that should be asked is “Where do demons come from?” At least four suggestions have been made to help explain the origin of demons. As such, what things are true about the nature of good angels are also true of demons. It appears most likely that demons are fallen angels who rebelled against God in heaven and were cast out of the presence of God. Whenever we read of ‘devils’ in the Bible, we are reading about demons. Another word, diamon, is usually translated ‘devils’ in the King James Version but might be better translated ‘demons.’ The Bible makes a very real distinction between a single devil and many demons. The word diabolos is translated ‘devil’ and refers to the devil himself. Two Greek words are translated similarly in the New Testament but their meanings are slightly different.

There are a number of suggestion origins of demons, with the most logical being that they are fallen angels. Theories Surrounding the Origin of Demons Christ demonstrated His power over demons and, furthermore, He gave His disciples power to cast out demons (Matthew 10:1). In Jesus Christ’s teachings and ministry He often confronted demons and their activities, i.e., demonic possession of individuals (Matthew 12:22-29, 15:22-28, 25:41 Mark 5:1-16). In each case it is translated by the word devil in the King James Version. The word for demons in the Greek language is daimon and is found more than 75 times in the Greek New Testament. We know from certain Scriptures that Satan fell from heaven and other angelic beings (demons) shared in Satan’s fall and became evil ( Ezekiel 28:18 Matthew 25:41 Revelation 12:4). Satan’s evil angels are known in Scripture as demons. However, Baker does say the information on this title “is a bit old” so take this with a pinch of salt.The Bible provides abundant evidence of the existence of demons. Work on this title was “either put on hold or has been having rough development” because the game was “lacking in focus/direction.” It’s believed work on Armored Core has been halted so the studio can prioritize Elden Ring and the new PS5 IP. While Elden Ring development continues, a new Armored Core game has not been so lucky. Elden Ring is due to be released in January. Martin’s world building and will let players use the environment, time of day, and even the weather to their advantage. The game has drawn inspiration from George R.R. Players can fight or choose a path of understanding instead.

Of course, FromSoftware will also continue development on the much-anticipated Elden Ring, which is an evolution of Dark Souls with new mechanics and systems. (Though to be fair, exploring new IP is how we got Bloodborne in the first place.) Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki is involved with the game’s development but “it’s not Bloodborne, it’s not Demon’s Souls, it’s an entirely new IP and apparently has no connection to the former two games.” Those hoping for a sequel to Bloodborne will be disappointed. Sony will own the IP, but the game will be made by FromSoftware and Sony XDev Japan. The game apparently came about through a deal similar to that for Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls.